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Multiplier Event - Spain
In order to disseminate the outcomes of the Renewteach project among the target group (teachers,
ViewMultiplier Event - Romania
In order to disseminate the outcomes of the Renewteach project among t
ViewMultiplier Event - Türkiye BUU
In order to disseminate the outcomes of the Renewteach project among the target group (teachers,
ViewMultiplier Event - Türkiye - GU
In order to disseminate the outcomes of the Renewteach project among the target group (teachers,
ViewMultiplier Event -Slovenia
In order to disseminate the outcomes of the Renewteach project among t
View4nd TPM in Romania
4nd TMP of Renewteach Project was held on 31 October -01 November 2023 in Bucharest/Romania.
View3nd TPM in Slovenia
3nd TMP of Renewteach Project was held on 20-21 June 2023 in Maribor/Slovenia. Thanks to the
View2nd TPM in Spain
2nd TMP of Renewteach Project was held on 20-21 October 2022 in Pamplona/Spain. Thanks to th
Renewteach Kick-off Meeting was held on 27-28 May 2022 in Bursa/TURKEY. The first transnational m